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Acoustic Levitation (RSD 2024)

Acoustic Levitation (RSD 2024)

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Acoustic Levitation (RSD 2024)
mit DEVIN THE DUDE LP (analog)
Preis 29,99 €

inkl. MwSt. inkl. Versandkosten innerhalb Österreichs

Verfügbarkeit: Lagernd.

Lieferzeit: 2-5 Werktage

Kostenlose Lieferung in Österreich ab einem Bestellwert von 20,00 €.



RSD 2024 2xLP housed in a gatefold jacket. Inhale deeply, and let the soul-soothing sounds of Devin The Dude take you on an unforgettable journey through the clouds. Devin The Dude's iconic album "Acoustic Levitation" is making its debut on vinyl, and it's coming at you in style on April 20th, 2024.
This timeless classic, celebrated for its hazy, laid-back vibes and undeniable authenticity is the perfect companion for your next session. As if the occasion weren't special enough, the album is pressed on a limited edition translucent Smokey Green Galaxy vinyl, paying homage to its weed-related inspiration and the album's unique cosmic vibes. Devin's signature blend of humour, introspection, and a profound love for life is evident in each track. "Acoustic Levitation" is a carefully woven tapestry of experiences, infused with the spirit of camaraderie and the pure enjoyment of life's simple pleasures. Sitback, light up, and enjoy.
  • 1. Can I
  • 2. Are You Goin' My Way( feat.Tony Mac & Lisa Luv)
  • 3. Please Pass That to Me
  • 4. We High Right Now (feat.Rob Quest & Jugg Mugg)
  • 5. By(feat.Tony Mac)
  • 6. AcousticLevitation
  • 7. I'm in the Galaxy(feat.Roe Hummin)
  • 8. Tonight
  • 9. Apartment#8216
  • 10. It's Cold in Here
  • 11. Due Yo Thang
  • 12. Don't Get Naked
  • 13. You Know I Wantcha!
  • 14. Do You Love Gettin' High


Genre Rap/HipHop
Label Coughee Brothaz Enterprise / EMPIRE
Art. Nr. X01205916-6
EAN 0197342072274
Medium LP (analog)
Set-Inhalt 2
Veröffentlichungsdatum 20.04.2024
FSK Nein
Preis-Code BZ

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