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Ghetto Vibes

Ghetto Vibes

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Ghetto Vibes
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The Viceroys are another of Jamaica's vocal groups that deserve a wider audience. Built around lead vocalist/ songwriter Wesley Tinglin, they worked through the rocksteady period but found their feet in 70's roots. They began their career working at Studio One around 1966, and released their recordings under The Voiceroys monicker, produced such hits as Love & Unity‚ Fat Fish and one of their most well known tracks Ya Ho in 1968. The set here represents the roots feel they undertook in the early 70s and features some fantastic numbers that have sadly been overlooked over time. The tracks 'Sometimes' and 'Depression' show an honesty in their lyrics that is both profound and real, whilst 'Live Come See', 'Baldhead', and 'See Dem A Come Deh' sound as great today as they must have done in those dread 70s. The band even touch on a Motown sound for their 'Railroad Man' cut. The album also includes two versions of 'Sometimes', a Channel One version with a great horn line and a version recorded at Randy's Stuio 17 without the horn line but with a heavier skank feel.

  • 1. See Dem A Come Deh
  • 2. Sometimes
  • 3. What You Make It
  • 4. Live Come See
  • 5. Baldhead
  • 6. You
  • 7. What The World Needs Now
  • 8. How Much (I Don't Know)
  • 9. Depression
  • 10. Baby I Love You
  • 11. Railroad Man
  • 12. Get Out
  • 13. Sometimes
  • 14. What You Make It


Genre Reggae
Label Kingston Sounds
Art. Nr. X0120010-2
EAN 5036848002987
Medium CD
Set-Inhalt 1
Veröffentlichungsdatum 03.11.2006
FSK Nein
Preis-Code BL

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