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Theocracy is a metal band from Athens, Ga., whose melodic style has more in common with their European contemporaries than with most of their U.S. counterparts. Characterized by huge choruses, epic arrangements and progressive elements, Theocracy's music is both immediate and deep, managing to be instantly catchy and memorable, yet revealing new levels of intricacy and depth with each subsequent listen. The self-titled debut album from Theocracy has been out of print for several years, and fans have constantly asked for a re-issue. In order to improve upon the drum machine and amateur production of the original release without losing the charm of the recordings, Theocracy drummer Shawn Benson recorded drums on all tracks, while nothing else was re-recorded. Matt completely re-mixed the album, with the mastering handled by Mika Jussila. The result is mind-blowing. The classic tracks and the great feeling from the debut album are still there, but with a production and sound that is so dramatically improved that it feels like a completely new album.
  • 1. Prelude
  • 02. Ichthus
  • 03. The Serpent's Kiss
  • 04. Mountain
  • 05. Theocracy
  • 06. The Healing Hand
  • 07. Sinner
  • 08. New Jerusalem
  • 09. The Victory Dance
  • 10. Twist of Fate


Genre Heavy Metal
Label Ulterium Records
Art. Nr. X50103994-2
EAN 4018996237351
Medium CD
Set-Inhalt 1
Veröffentlichungsdatum 02.10.2015
FSK Nein
Preis-Code AM34

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