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Listen to Formation, Look for the Signs

Listen to Formation, Look for the Signs

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Listen to Formation, Look for the Signs
Preis 7,99 €

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A richness of voice; a depth of emotion; and wise beyond her years; with Listen To Formation, Look For the Signs, 23-year-old New Zealand native Nadia Reid has claimed her place as one of the country’s most evocative and profound young songwriters. Her music traces the sharp mountain peaks, azure coastline, and mirrored images of the land and sky that pinpoint her home country’s vast open landscapes.
“For me, inspiration for writing happens everywhere,” explains Nadia. “On buses, airplanes, walking, driving… it can be very unpredictable. My songs have a strong connection to the places they were written, from Port Chalmers, to Wellington, Christchurch and Auckland.”
Whether nerding about with friends, stunning audiences into silence with her spellbinding live shows or unwinding in the tranquillity of her favourite hometown spot overlooking Port Chalmers’ harbour through her large-rimmed spectacles, Nadia Reid has achieved a gloriously fresh and eloquent new folk sound. “I’ve been in New Zealand my whole life and guess at times I take for granted the serene beauty that I live so closely with,” she says of her music’s majestic affiliation with nature. Mapping out tales of change and loss, whilst drawing inspiration from reading, writing, the human condition, falling in and out of love, death, and birth - it all lends to a superbly balanced album that moves surreptitiously between sparse and fragile melancholia to beautifully brutal lyricism with a philosophical maturity that bellies her years.
  • 1. Runway
  • 2. Track Of The Time
  • 3. Reaching Through
  • 4. Holy Low
  • 5. Just To Feel Alive
  • 6. Seasons Change
  • 7. Some Are Lucky
  • 8. Ruby
  • 9. Call The Days
  • 10. Holy Loud


Interpret NADIA REID
Genre Pop
Label Spunk! Records
Art. Nr. X01273161-2
EAN 0602547273161
Medium CD
Set-Inhalt 1
Veröffentlichungsdatum 04.12.2015
FSK Nein
Preis-Code AO

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