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Underneath The Pine

Underneath The Pine

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Underneath The Pine
Preis 14,99 €

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Verfügbarkeit: Lagernd.

Lieferzeit: 2-5 Werktage

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When Chaz first signed to Carpark Records, the plan was to release two records in 2010 – one electronic and one with live instrumentation – and although it didn’t quite fit into the same calendar year as his debut, Underneath the Pine is that latter offering. This release sees him following the same creative urges to completely different ends. Having spent the year listening to film composers like Ennio Morricone and François de Roubaix, Bundick returned to his home in Columbia, the birthplace of many Toro tracks of yore, to bring his new ideas to fruition. The result of these sessions is an album evocative of R. Stevie Moore’s homespun ruminations, David Axelrod’s sonic scope, Steve Reich-ian piano phrasing, and the pervasive funk of his first record. Underneath the Pine announces a new phase for an artist whose talent defies classification.
  • 1.Intro/Chi Chi
  • 2.New Beat
  • 3.Go With You
  • 4.Divina
  • 5.Before I’m Done
  • 6.Got Blinded
  • 7.How I Know
  • 8.Light Black
  • 9.Still Sound
  • 10.Good Hold
  • 11.Elise


Interpret TORO Y MOI
Genre Pop
Label Carpark
Art. Nr. X0120592-2
EAN 0677517005929
Medium CD
Set-Inhalt 1
Veröffentlichungsdatum 25.02.2011
FSK Nein
Preis-Code BI

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