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Carnaval (LP)

Carnaval (LP)

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Carnaval (LP)
mit LUCIE ANTUNES LP (analog)
Preis 29,99 €

inkl. MwSt. inkl. Versandkosten innerhalb Österreichs

Verfügbarkeit: Vorbestellbar.

Lieferzeit: derzeit nicht lagernd

Kostenlose Lieferung in Österreich ab einem Bestellwert von 20,00 €.



Die Französische Percussionistin Lucie Antunes mit ihrem zweiten Album "carnaval", auf dem sie ihren Klanghorizont deutlich erweitert. Dancefloor trifft Pop trifft Avantgarde, und das alles mit einer beneidenswerten Leichtigkeit.

French composer Lucie Antunes is broadening her sonic horizons with second album “Carnaval”. Following the resounding critical success of 2019’s “Sergei”, the Perpignan-born, classically-trained drummer and percussionist releases an ebullient, electronically-oriented followup that is designed for the dancefloor. Antunes unites the pop world with the avant-garde, with a crossover appeal that traverses genres and borders with ease. “Carnaval” also sees Léonie Pernet come on board as producer, who brings frisson to these eleven tracks whilst helping to augment the grooves. Using and manipulating the human voice for the first time, Antunes was inspired in part by the American composer Meredith Monk, to use her voice as percussive instrument, conveying meaning with nonverbal phrases and phonemes. ‘Carnaval’ is more coquettish, curious and creative than anything she’s yet done, imbuing the listener with the cerebral mischief of Laurie Anderson on ‘It’s Amazing’— an opening track which more than fulfills its titular promise.
  • SIDE A 1. It's amazing
  • 02. Vivant.e.s part I
  • 03.
  • 03. Faites vous des bisous
  • 04. Hoho
  • 05. Mais
  • 06. Vous êtes parfait.e.s SIDE B 1. Jacob
  • 02. Elliott
  • 03. Carnaval
  • 04. Yagé
  • 05. Vivant.e.s part II


Genre Pop
Label Infine
Art. Nr. X50120273-6
EAN 3516628419812
Medium LP (analog)
Set-Inhalt 1
Veröffentlichungsdatum 21.04.2023
FSK Nein
Preis-Code AM85

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