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Easy Money (LP)

Easy Money (LP)

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Easy Money (LP)
mit OLD MAN LUEDECKE LP (analog)
Preis 24,99 €

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Verfügbarkeit: Vorbestellbar.

Lieferzeit: derzeit nicht lagernd

Kostenlose Lieferung in Österreich ab einem Bestellwert von 20,00 €.



The two time Juno and multi east coast music award winning, Polaris prize nominee, Old Man Luedecke, returns with his new album "Easy Money". Four years since his last release, Luedecke's sixth studio album deals with grappling the newness of middle age, dad jokes, love for an abiding partner, and the death of a parent, mixed in with some calypso-feeling local Nova Scotia history thrown in for good measure. The record features 9 new original tracks and guest appearances by Grammy award-winning Tim O'Brien, Alfie Jurvanen (Bahamas), and Fats Kaplin (Jack White, John Prine). Old Man Luedecke has been uncompromisingly unique in cementing himself in the top echelon of Canadian Folk artists and "Easy Money" makes no exception.
  • 1. Easy Money (Seite A)
  • 02. Dad Jokes (Seite A)
  • 03. Wake Up Call (Seite A)
  • 04. I Wanna Go (Seite A)
  • 05. Sardine Song (Seite A)
  • 06. Death of Truth (Seite A)
  • 07. Money Pit (Seite B)
  • 08. Lonely County (Seite B)
  • 09. How Do I Deserve Your Love (Seite B)
  • 10. Le Ciel Est Noir (Seite B)
  • 11. The Mermaid (Seite B)
  • 12. I Skipped a Stone (Seite B)


Genre Pop
Label True North Records
Art. Nr. X50117861-6
EAN 0620638073179
Medium LP (analog)
Set-Inhalt 1
Veröffentlichungsdatum 14.06.2019
FSK Nein
Preis-Code AM74

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