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Rock Island

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Rock Island
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Zweites Album der etwas unberechenbaren Art-Rock/Alternative Band irgendwo zwischen Sonic Youth und dem Math-Rock von Battles und mit ungewöhnlicher Instrumentierung eingespielt.

On Rock Island, their second LP, Palm produces evidence of a distinct musical language, developed over time, in isolation, and out of necessity. On the island, melodies are struck on what might be shells or spines. Rhythms are scratched out, swept over, scratched again. Individual instruments, and sometimes entire sections, skip and stutter. There is the sense of a music box with wonky tension or a warped transmission in which all the noise is taken for signal.
Like other groups so acclaimed for their compulsive live show, Palm has been burdened by the constant comparison between their recorded material and their touring set. On Rock Island, they render this tired discussion moot, using the album form to present that which could never be completely live, reserving for performance that which could never be completely reproduced.
Despite appearing behind the instruments typical of rock music, Palm trades in sounds of their own making. On these songs, one of the guitars and the drum kit are used as MIDI triggers, producing an index that can be combed through later and replaced with new information. The percussion is sometimes augmented so as to suggest a multiplication of limbs. The strings are manipulated to choke, crack, and hum like other instruments, or other bodies, might.
  • 1 Pearly
  • 2 Composite
  • 3 Dog Milk
  • 4 Forced Hand
  • 5 Theme From Rock Island
  • 6 Bread
  • 7 Colour Code
  • 8 Swimmer
  • 9 Heavy Lifting


Interpret PALM
Genre Rock
Label Carpark
Art. Nr. X01203124-2
EAN 0677517012422
Medium CD
Set-Inhalt 1
Veröffentlichungsdatum 23.02.2018
FSK Nein
Preis-Code BI

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