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mit TANUKICHAN LP (analog)
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Tanukichan ist das Shoegaze Projekt von Hannah Van Loon, die erstmals 2016 mit ihrer EP "Radiolove" auf sich aufmerksam machte. Mit "Sundays" liegt nun das Debütalbum vor, produziert von Chaz Bear a.k.a. Toro Y Moi und der perfekte Pop-Soundtrack für einen endlosen Sommer...

Sundays is the debut full length from Oakland-based Tanukichan, aka multi-instrumentalist Hannah van Loon. At surface level, the album sounds just how the title describes: hazy, dreamy, reflective, just like a lazy Sunday afternoon. Upon second and third listens, the dreamy music unveils a deeper world: an ever present sense of longing, an endless state of summer and a period of instability that plagues us all at one point or another in our lives.
Raised in San Francisco, van Loon started out making classical, bluegrass and jazz music as well as playing in numerous bands in the area before deciding to make something more personal. What started with a few unfocused demos, with van Loon playing all the instruments herself in her house, became a studio experience and viable collection of music after her friend Anthony Ferraro of Astronauts, Etc. introduced her to Company Records founder Chaz Bear (Toro Y Moi, Les Sins). After collaborating on her 2016 EP Radiolove, van Loon and Bear set out to make a much more sonically cohesive release, with both the producer and artist playing all the instruments on the record. The result is a slice of dream pop that could only come from the combination of the laid back atmosphere of California and the nostalgic and often difficult memories that are generally associated with coming of age.
To van Loon, the tracks of Sundays are a form of contemplation and approaching life’s issues from a different and less complicated perspective. “Sometimes for me, it feels easier to write songs about things than to talk. A lot of things in life are layered and paradoxical, but with songs it always seems simpler.”


Genre Pop
Label Company Records
Art. Nr. X01203011-6
EAN 0677517301113
Medium LP (analog)
Set-Inhalt 1
Veröffentlichungsdatum 10.08.2018
FSK Nein
Preis-Code 1350

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