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Aviary EP

Aviary EP

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Aviary EP
mit SLACKK LP (analog)
Preis 11,99 €

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Verfügbarkeit: Vorbestellbar.

Lieferzeit: derzeit nicht lagernd

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Nach seiner "Backward Lights"-EP kommt Slack (bekannt duch die "Boxed"-Nächte) mit 6 instrumentalen Grime-Mutationen, die den Style in unerforschte Gebiete entführen. After the success of his ‘Backwards Light’ EP Slackk returns to R&S with another 6 tracker of instrumental grime mutations. A figurehead of the UK scene through the influential Boxed night he runs alongside Mr. Mitch, Logos and Oil Gang, Slackk aka Paul Lynch distils the Boxed sound into his own inimitable, richly melodic style. The six tracks on offer on this EP continue to blur the lines between genres as RA described in their glowing review of the Backwards Light EP. ‘A producer whose music is moving beyond its origins in grime to something undiscovered.” The tracks range from the opening moody club styles of ‘Swan Filters’ and twisted bass of Mumdance and Logos favourite ‘Skeleton Crew’ to the more reserved and delicate headphone moments of ‘Replenish’ and ‘Pigeons’. ‘Hundred Flute’ returns a common Slackk inspiration source into the sampler, but the results on this one could be the best yet. ‘Returning Geese’ finishes the EP in what could be one of the producers last examples of the Japanese styles for a while.
  • 1. Swan Filters
  • 02. Skeleton Crew
  • 03. Pigeons
  • 04. Hundred Flute
  • 05. Replenish
  • 06. Returning Geese


Interpret SLACKK
Genre Disco/Dance
Label R&S Records
Art. Nr. X50114426-2
EAN 5055274706542
Medium LP (analog)
Set-Inhalt 1
Veröffentlichungsdatum 27.05.2016
FSK Nein
Preis-Code AM29

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