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Bad Advice Good People

Bad Advice Good People

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Bad Advice Good People
mit CLEAR HISTORY LP (analog)
Preis 21,99 €

inkl. MwSt. inkl. Versandkosten innerhalb Österreichs

Verfügbarkeit: Vorbestellbar.

Lieferzeit: derzeit nicht lagernd

Kostenlose Lieferung in Österreich ab einem Bestellwert von 20,00 €.



Mini-Album des Berliner Post Punk Trios. 180g Vinyl auf Upset The Rhythm.

The six songs here cast a huge net across themes of raucous opposition, identity, closeness, gifting and exploding cars. They are a full-hearted call to arms from a stubborn Aries concerned with wasting time and energy. With such rapport for the touchstones of danceable post-punk (ESG, Kleenex, Gang of Four) Clear History are proud hi-hat botherers, bounding along with the plummy bassline, joining the dots whilst thinking to the beat. This debut documents the tantalising first sparks from a band intent on holding up a magnifying glass to the sun.
Their influences include correct grammar, Rihanna & ‘The Waiting Room’ by Fugazi. They make muscular songs about intimacy whilst dreaming of an extravagant breakfast the day after the rapture. What will the dance floors look like over there? What music will ring true and make the people move? Clear History are giving this their full atttention!
  • SIDE A
  • 1. Solar Death Ray
  • 2. Song In the Key of Emo
  • 3. Presents
  • SIDE B
  • 4. Morsels
  • 5. Bad advice good people
  • 6. The Mall


Genre Rock
Label Upset the Rhythm
Art. Nr. X01221140-6
EAN 0828887114012
Medium LP (analog)
Set-Inhalt 1
Veröffentlichungsdatum 05.11.2021
FSK Nein
Preis-Code 1450

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