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Future history

Future history

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Future history
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’Future History’ is Nu:Tone’s fourth studio album. Nu:Tone is an artist with the kind of rich history and authority to be able to reach into drum+bass’ deepest past and create an album of snapshots from the many ages of jungle; with knowing nods to classic tracks and the sound of hallmark events - from ‘Swerve’ at the Velvet Rooms to ‘Logical Progression’ and ‘Hospitality at Heaven’.
Few drum+bass artists command the same respect as Nu:Tone, both within the scene and across the wider dance music community, with his recent discography taking in remixes for the likes of 3 beat, Warner and Sony. Nu:Tone has stripped down and re-worked the likes of Axwell, Sandy Revera et al, with Major labels clamoring for his skills behind a mixing desk.
  • 01) 'Til Dawn, 02) Say That You'll,
  • 03) Bay Of Islands (feat. Logistics),
  • 04) Tides (feat. Lea Lea),
  • 05) Cannibals (feat. Dynamite MC), 06) Change,
  • 07) Back
  • 02 U,
  • 08) Oneroa,
  • 09) Deep Inside,
  • 10) Roundabout,
  • 11) Metaphor
  • 06000 (feat. Kool Keith),
  • 12) Lightning,
  • 13) Holocomm


Interpret NU:TONE
Genre Disco/Dance
Label Hospital
Art. Nr. X012884525-2
EAN 5060208845259
Medium CD
Set-Inhalt 1
Veröffentlichungsdatum 14.11.2014
FSK Nein
Preis-Code BG

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