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Memories Of The Fture

Memories Of The Fture

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Memories Of The Fture
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MAXI NIL (ex Visions of Atlantis) and RAPHAEL SAINI (ex Iced Earth), after touring the world and captivating audiences along the way, decided to join forces and re-enter the music world as JADED STAR! Exploding with energy, experience and drive, the band's debut album Memories From The Future is ready. Produced by Maxi Nil, mixed and mastered by FREDRIK NORDSTROM at the legendary Fredman Studios in Sweden, this album showcases Maxi's electrifying vocals and the masterful drum work Saini is known for. o Guitar hero KOSTA VRETO with his unique finger strumming style, eschews the plectrum in favor of a raw, organic sound that literally comes straight through his hands. BABIS NIKOU on the bass brings a solid foundation and the chemistry between he and Maxi as the song writing team provides emotion to match the power of the sound. o The elements are there, the forces have aligned, the JADED STAR is ready to shine!
  • 1. The Mask
  • 02. Wake Up
  • 03. Keep On Fighting
  • 04. Stars
  • 05. Into The End Of Time
  • 06. Healing The Inner Child
  • 07. You'll See
  • 08. In Memory
  • 09. Raining In Sao Paolo
  • 10. Innocence


Interpret JADED STAR
Genre Heavy Metal
Label Sensory Records
Art. Nr. X50103746-2
EAN 0763232307421
Medium CD
Set-Inhalt 1
Veröffentlichungsdatum 24.04.2015
FSK Nein
Preis-Code AM44

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