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Sonnige Pop Songs mit einem Hauch Samba & Indie. So könnte auch der neue Quentin Tarantino Soundtrack klingen. Incl free digital MP3 download [320 kbps] Who didn't melt with the youthful, colorful rejoicing that emanated from "Personal Train"? It has been years since we heard an album so capable of bringing together all those styles we like so much, from jangle to indie-pop, with a touch of Brazilian music, psychedelic pop, Italian sound tracks. And to do it that level of energy and elegance, class and inspiration in one amazing combination. Carlos Valderrama, FITNESS FOREVER's frontman, says he was left empty afterwards, a blank slate, not really knowing what his next step would be. After a while, they wanted to maintain the freshness and glow of their songs, but step it up a notch in terms of the riskiness of the songs' architecture, complicating the harmonies and making slippery melodies that make just as much of an impression. That's where "Cosmos" came from; it's FITNESS FOREVER's second album, and the perfect definition of what Valderrama wanted.
  • 01. Piano Fender Blues
  • 02. Hotel Flamingo
  • 03. Il Cane Ciuff
  • 04. Le Intenzioni Del Re
  • 05. Lui
  • 06. Vederti Distante
  • 07. L'amore Annegato
  • 08. Laura
  • 09. Cosmos
  • 10. Disco Quiz
  • 11. Il Mare


Genre Rock
Label Elefant Records
Art. Nr. X50102867-2
EAN 8428846211824
Medium CD
Set-Inhalt 1
Veröffentlichungsdatum 29.11.2013
FSK Nein
Preis-Code AM49

Andere Produkte von FITNESS FOREVER

  • Cosmos



    Preis 17,99 €

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