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Foil Deer

Foil Deer

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Foil Deer
mit SPEEDY ORTIZ LP+Download
Preis 29,99 €

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When considering Massachusetts' Speedy Ortiz, that line from Virginia Woolf comes to mind. Not only for the obvious echoes to DIY, a form and function that's characterized the band's nascency, but in the proto-feminist undertones driving much of their sophomore album, Foil Deer. "I'm not bossy, I'm the boss," Sadie Dupuis sings on "Raising the Skate," invoking in spirit one half of the Carter-Knowles clan and echoing the other's wordplay. And wordplay makes sense, considering Dupuis-the band's songwriter, guitarist, and frontwoman-spent the band's first few years teaching writing at UMass Amherst. She's drawn to the dense complexity of Pynchon, the dreamlike geometry of Bolaño, the confounded yearning of Plath-all attributes you could easily apply to the band's 2013 debut Major Arcana, which fans and press alike have invested with a sense of purpose and merit uncommon in contemporary guitar rock.

The group, including Mike Falcone on drums, Darl Ferm on bass, and new addition Devin McKnight of Grass is Green on guitar, have spent the last year on an almost endless cross-continental touring jag, tagging along with the likes of The Breeders, Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks, and Thurston Moore. That shift into full-time musicianship brought with it an attendant reordering of priorities when it came to songwriting, and the band members' lives in general. They would get the damn flowers themselves.
  • 1. Good Neck
  • 2. Raising the Skate
  • 3. The Graduates
  • 4. Dot X
  • 5. Homonovus
  • 6. Puffer
  • 7. Swell Content
  • 8. Zig
  • 9. My Dead Girl
  • 10. Ginger
  • 11. Mister Difficult
  • 12. Dvrk Wvrld


Genre Rock
Label Carpark
Art. Nr. X01210329-6
EAN 0677517010312
Medium LP+Download
Set-Inhalt 1
Veröffentlichungsdatum 17.04.2015
FSK Nein
Preis-Code BZ

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