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Ecorcha / Taillée

Ecorcha / Taillée

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Ecorcha / Taillée
Preis 17,99 €

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Verfügbarkeit: Vorbestellbar.

Lieferzeit: derzeit nicht lagernd

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La Tène zerlegen traditionelle Musik und klingen dabei - elektronisch angereichert - wie eine Terry Riley Komposition. CD und LP auf Bongo Joe.

La Tène named themselves in reference to a cultural period spanning a few centuries of the late Iron Age, first defined in the mid-19th century after a flurry of archaeological discoveries near a Swiss lake. That’s not a superficial hat tip, either. La Tène’s long, hypnotic, wordless pieces are built from traditional folk instrumentation, wild percussion and blurred, subtle electronic embellishments, and feel as ancient and earthy as those millennia-old artefacts – with all the metal, wood, dedication, and craftsmanship they entailed. Ecorcha / Taillée, their fourth release and third for Geneva’s Bongo Joe label, is the sound of three musicians playing together as intuitively as if hooked up to a central, pulsating brain.
  • 1 L’Ecorcha 18:27
  • 2 La Taillée 14:34


Interpret LA TÈNE
Genre Weltmusik
Label Les Disques Bongo Joe
Art. Nr. X03202984-2
EAN 7640159732846
Medium CD
Set-Inhalt 1
Veröffentlichungsdatum 03.02.2023
FSK Nein
Preis-Code BL

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