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The Black Album

The Black Album

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The Black Album
mit PERRY, LEE SCRATCH LP (analog)
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Mit stolzen 83 Jahren veröffentlicht Lee Scratch Perry ein neues Dub-Album unter Besinnung auf seine Roots und den Vintage Reggae Sound. Das gemeinsam mit Producer und Mixer Daniel Boyle erarbeitete Ergebnis ist "deep & heavy".

At 83 years of age, Lee Scratch Perry is proud to present to the world his next full length solo album (with Dub versions) , continuing his inimitable Roots Reggae legacy. Lee’s brief for the album, was to blend the vintage and the obscure, during the sessions Lee referred to the sound and ‘black’ and wanted space, light and darkness in the songs and their respective Dub versions. The result sees Lee having mixed up an analogue concoction of ultra-rare effects, Sonic wizardry and deep heavy roots rhythms.
Over 2017 and 2018, Lee Scratch Perry re united with Producer and Mixer Daniel Boyle, to start work on their second Solo album project for Lee.
Picking up where their last efforts ‘’Back on the Controls’’ left off. Lee wanted to continue the raw analogue sound they had cultivated together over multiple past releases, and take it to the next level with new effects devices to create another sonic signature.
They entered the studio in 2017, to begin to put together ideas for the tracks, which were then taken to RAK studios in London with their ever changing Rolling Lion All Stars session band; to lay down the rhythm versions.
Using strictly vintage analogue equipment, they employed Neuman valve and RCA Ribbon microphones, and RAK’s early model vintage API desk to record, the ‘sound’ for the album was sculpted in these sessions. Vintage, but punchy, which was then blended with Lee’s choice of super rare and custom analogue effects. Ursa Major Space Station and Stargate delays and reverbs, old choruses, Plate and spring reverbs, and tape delays were used to create a tight vintage feel but retaining the rawness of the ‘Low Fi’ roots sound Lee was aiming for.
With the music coming together, the vocal sessions were held in Abbey Road studio 3, again using vintage RCA ribbon mics, over driving their EMI TG console and Fairchild compressors to create a pleasantly distorted Lo Fi vocal sound.
Lee and Daniel then returned to Daniels Rolling Lion Studio, to mix and Dub the album, live, on the mixing console.
  • 1 Mr Brown In Town
  • 2 Mr Brown Dub
  • 3 Trendsetter
  • 4 Trendsettting Dub
  • 5 Your Shadow Is Black
  • 6 Your Shadow Is Dub
  • 7 Dead Meat
  • 8 Dead Meat Dub
  • 9 Dub At Abbey Road
  • 10 Abbey Road Version
  • 11 Bumpy Road Of Life
  • 12 Bumpy Dub
  • 13 Captain Perry
  • 14 Captain Dub
  • 15 Killing Dancehall Softly
  • 16 Killing Version
  • 17 Solid State Communication
  • 18 Solid State Dub


Genre Reggae
Label Upsetter
Art. Nr. X01220004-6
EAN 0666017327716
Medium LP (analog)
Set-Inhalt 2
Veröffentlichungsdatum 12.10.2018
FSK Nein
Preis-Code 1800

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