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The Raven's Sun

The Raven's Sun

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The Raven's Sun
Preis 14,99 €

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After releasing her debut album in 2004, Catherine MacLellan earned immediate critical acclaim, labeled Critics Favourite New Discovery by Penguin Eggs magazine in 2008. Since then, she has toured internationally extensively and her music has been a perennial fixture at the top of Canada's Roots Music charts, winning acclaim from international media including The Austin Chronicle, The Boston Globe, BBC Radio, Maverick Magazine and Q Magazine. Her latest release The Raven's Sun takes the listener further along Catherine's journey in song, delving deeper into the territories of life, death and transformation. Produced by her long-time musical partner Chris Gauthier, The Raven's Sun shines a light on their musical chemistry and catches them both at their best. Recorded in the woods outside of Woodstock, NY by GRAMMY Award-winning Danny Blume, it features stellar guest performances by Nashville fiddler Andy Leftwich. This album is another reminder that Catherine's songwriting and musicianship are unparalleled among performers of her generation. 2-TIME WINNER AT THE 2012 EAST COAST MUSIC AWARDS o Folk Recording of the Year o Solo Recording of the Year 5-TIME WINNER AT THE 2012 MUSIC PEI AWARDS o Album of the Year o Songwriter of the Year o Video of the Year o Female Solo Recording of the Year o Roots/Contemporary Album of the Year WINNER AT THE 2012 CANADIAN FOLK MUSIC AWARDS o English Songwriter of the Year
  • 1. The Raven's Sun
  • 02. Don't Call Me Stranger
  • 03. Tell Me Luella
  • 04. Gone Too Soon
  • 05. Jack's Song
  • 06. Beneath The Lindens
  • 07. Rushing Winding Wind
  • 08. Left On My Own
  • 09. Frost In The Hollows
  • 10. Hold On
  • 11. Winter Spring


Genre Pop
Label True North Records
Art. Nr. X50103324-2
EAN 0803057020027
Medium CD
Set-Inhalt 1
Veröffentlichungsdatum 29.08.2014
FSK Nein
Preis-Code AM44


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